Ph. D., D. Sc., Eng.
Krzysztof Kecik

Projekt: ''Ocena możliwości odzyskiwania energii w wahadłowych tłumikach drgań''. 
Project 2013/11/D/ST8/03311. National Science Centre (SONATA 6).

dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Kęcik, (kierownik, Politechnika Lubelska),
dr hab. inż. Przemysław Perlikowski, prof. PŁ (Politechnika Łódzka),
dr inż. A. Mitura (Politechnika Lubelska).

Opis projektu badawczego:
Głównym celem badań w projekcie jest oszacowanie możliwości odzyskiwania energii w wahadłowych tłumikach drgań (w autoparametrycznym układzie z wahadlem). Kolejnym celem jest zbadanie stopnia odzyskiwania energii w warunkach efektywnej eliminacji drgań oraz kontrola układem, tak aby odzyskać jak najwiekszą ilość energii. Badania w projekcie będą prowadzone we współpracy z Politechniką Łódzką oraz uczelnią zagraniczną: Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Włochy).

Laboratory rig

Publikacje w journalach (18)
  1. Kecik K. Dynamics of an active harvester-absorber pendulum system. Smart Material Systems and Structures - Modeling and Simulation, 2017 (sent).
  2. Mitura A., Kecik K.,  Augustyniak M., Dynamics and Energy Harvesting Control of an Autoparametric Pendulum-Like System. Electrical Review, 2018 97), 82-85, 2018.
  3. Kecik K., Energy recovery from a nonlinear maglev harvester.  Acta Mechanica et Autiomatica 12(1), 11-18, 2018 (MNiSW=14, WoS, Scopus).
  4. Kecik K., Mitura A., Warminski J., Lenci S. Foldover Effect and Energy Output from a Nonlinear Pseudo-Maglev Harvester. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1922, 100009, (2018), (WoS, Scopus, MNISW=15).
  5. Kecik K., Assessment of energy harvesting and vibration mitigation of a pendulum dynamic absorber.  Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 106, 198-209, 2018,(woS, Scopus, MNiSW=45, IF=4.116).
  6. Mitura A., Kecik K.  Odzyskiwanie energii i dynamika wahadłowego eliminatora drgań z półaktywnym zawieszeniem. Modelowanie inżynierskie, 64, 61-67, 2018.
  7. Kecik K., Mitura A., Lenci S., Warminski J. Energy harvesting from a magnetic levitation system. Internatilnal Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 94, 200-206, 2017, MNISW=30, IF=2.074.
  8. Kecik K. Enhanced energy recovery of a vibration absorber using dual harvester systems. Machine Dynamics Research, 40(2), 79-88, 2016.
  9. Kecik K., Brzeski P., Perlikowski P. Non-linear dynamics and optimization of a harvester absorber system.  International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 1-15, 17(5), 2017, MNISW=25, IF=1.617.
  10. Kecik K., Mitura A. Non-linear dynamics of a vibration harvest-absorber system. Experimental Study. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Dynamical Systems: Modelling, Vol. 181, 1st ed. 197-208, 2016, XVI, (WoS, Scopus, ISBN 978-3-319-42402-6).
  11. Mitura A. Kecik K. Influences of system parameters on energy harvesting from autoparametric absorber. Numerical research. Vibration in Physical Systems.  XXVII, 281-286, 2016.
  12. Mitura A. Kecik K. Influences of system parameters on energy harvesting from autoparametric absorber. Experimental research. Vibration in Physical Systems.  XXVII, 287-292, 2016.
  13. Kecik K., Mitura A. Non-linear dynamics of a vibration harvest-absorber system. Dynamical Systems Control and Stability. Editors: J. Awrejcewicz, M. Kaźmierczak, J. Mrozowski, P. Olejnik, 297-306, 2015.
  14. Kecik K. Application of shape memory alloy in harvesto-absorber system. Acta Mechanica et Automatica, 9(3), 155-160, 2015.  
  15. Kecik K. Dynamics and control of an autoparametric system. International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 70, 63-72, 2015 (WoS, IF=1.977).
  16. Kecik K., Mitura A.  Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of an Active Suspension of a Pendulum Vibration Absorber. Machine Dynamics Research, 38(1)1, 47 - 53, 2014.
  17. Kecik K. Control of chaotic dynamics by magnetorheological damping of a pendulum vibration absorber. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 51(5), 743-754, 2014 (WoS, IF=0.927).
  18. Kecik K. An active suspension of a pendulum vibration absorber. Modelowanie Inżynierskie, 19(50), 83-88, 2014.

Publikacje w mat. konferencyjnych (13)
  1. Kecik K., Mitura A., Lenci S., Warminski J. Multiple solutions and corresponding energy output from a nonlinear maglev harvester. Conference Proceedings of22nd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Editors: T. Burczynski, M. Kuczma, J. Warminski, J. Podgorski, E. Blazik-Borowa, T. Lipecki, MS09-29 - MS09-30, 2017.
  2. Kecik K., Mitura A., Brzeski P., Perlikowski P., Energy recovery froma a pendulum vibration absorber wita a maglev harvester. 9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2017) Papers, ISBN 978-963-12-9168-1. ID211, (
  3. Mitura A., Kecik K., Augustyniak M. Dynamics and energy harvesting control of an autoparametric pendulum-like system. Book of abstracts: 10th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and Their Industrial Implementation (NEET 2017), 49, 2017. ISSN 978-83-7947-259-8.
  4. Kecik K., Energy recovery from a nonlinear maglev harvester.  Conference Proceedidngs of 9th International Symposium on Mechanics of Materials and Structures & 2nd International Conference on Advances in Micromechanics of Materials (Extended Paper), 46-52, 2017.
  5. Kecik K., Energy recovery from a nonlinear maglev harvester.  Conference Proceedidngs of 9th International Symposium on Mechanics of Materials and Structures & 2nd International Conference on Advances in Micromechanics of Materials (Abstract) 46-52, 76-77, 2017.
  6. Mitura., Kecik K. Odzyskiwanie energii i dynamika wahadłowego eliminatora drgań z półaktywnym zawieszeniem. 56 Sympozjon ''Modelowanie w Mechnice", 25.02.2017-01.03.2017, Ustroń, 2017. Zeszyt streszczeń, 115, 2017.
  7. Kecik K. Materiały  XII  Konferencji ''Nowe Kierunki Rozwoju Mechaniki - NKRM''. Suprasl, 2017. Simultaneous Energy Recovery and Vibration Control of a Pendulum Absorber with a Maglev Harvester, 39-40.
  8. Kecik K., Mitura A., Warminski J. Lenci S. Book of papers 24th International Congress of Theroretical and Applied Mechanics, ICTAM, 2016, Montreal , Kanada. Nonlinear dynamics of a pendulum vibration absorber with a maglev harvester,186-187, 2016,  ISBN: NR16-127/2016E-EPUB.
  9. Kecik K., Mitura A. Influence of active elements on the pendulum’s rotational motion for energy harvesting. Proceedings of the 3rd Polish Congres of Mechanics 21st International Conference and Computer Methods in Mechanics, vol 2, 789-790, 2015. 
  10. Kecik K., Brzeski P., .Perlikowski P. Nonlinear dynamics and bifurcation of a vibration absorber-harvester system. Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015, 806-816, 2015 (WoS).
  11. Mitura A., Kecik K,  Warminski J, Jarzyna W, Lenci S. A numerical study of an autoparametric system with electromagnetic energy harvester. Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015, 609-615, 2015 (WoS).
  12. Kecik K. Application of shape memory alloy in harvesto-absorber system. Proceedings of VIII-th International Symposium on Mechanics of Materials and Structures and Fracture and Fragmentation in Science and Engineering Conference, 119-124, 2015.
  13. Kecik K.  Energy harvesting of an autoparametric system. Proceedings of the 16-th Conference on Mechatronics - Mechatronika  2014, p. 203-208 (WoS).el 
    Konferencje i referaty (19)
  1. Lublin. Poland 13-16 September 2017. 22nd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Presentation:  "Multiple solutions and corresponding energy output from a nonlinear maglev harvester".
  2. Budapest, Hungary, 25 June -1 July 2017.  9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2017). Presentation:  ''Energy recovery from a pendulum vibration absorber with a maglev harvester''.
  3. Zakopane, Poland, 27-30 June 2017, 0th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and Their Industrial Implementation (NEET 2017), 27-30 June 2017, Zakopane. Presentation: "Dynamics and energy harvesting control of an autoparametric pendulum-like system".
  4. Augustow, Poland, 4-8 June 2017.  9th  International Symposium  on Mechanics of Materials  and Structures & 2nd International Conference on Advances in Micromechanics of Materials. Presentation:Energy recovery from a nonlinear maglev harvester ''.
  5. Suprasl, Poland , 22-25 Marzec, 2017. ,,Nowe kierunki rozwoju mechaniki''. Presentation: Simultaneous energy recovery and vibration control of a pendulum absorber with a maglev harvester.
  6. Ustroń, Poland. 25 Feburary - 1 March 2017, 56. Sympozjon ,,Modelowanie w Mechanice''. Paper: Odzyskiwanie energii i dynamika wahadłowego eliminatora drgań z półaktywnym zawieszeniem.
  7. Lublin, Poland, 2 December 2016, Sekcja Dynamiki Referat: Nieliniowa dynamika oraz odzyskiwanie energii w wahadłowym eliminatorze drgań.
  8. Warsaw, Poland, 17-18 October, 2016, XXIV Francusko-Polskie Seminarium Mechaniki. Presentation: Enhanced Energy Recovery of a Vibration Absorber Using Dual Harvester Systems.
  9. Montreal, Kanada, 21-26 Augst 2016. 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM 2016. Presentation:  Nonlinear dynamics of a pendulum vibration absorber with a maglev harvester. 
  10. Bedlewo, Poland 9-13 May 2016. Vibrations in Physical Systems, XXVII. Presentation: ''Influences of system parameters on energy harvesting from autoparametric absorber. Numerical research''.
  11. Bedlewo, Poland 9-13 May 2016. Vibrations in Physical Systems, XXVII. Presentation: ''Influences of system parameters on energy harvesting from autoparametric absorber. Experimental research''.
  12. Lodz, Kecik K., Energy recovery from a nonlinear maglev harvester.  Poland 7-10 December 2015. 13th International Conference Dynamical SystemsTheory and Applications. Presentation: Non-linear dynamics of a vibration harvest-absorber system.
  13. Lodz, Poland 7-10 December 2015. 13th International Conference Dynamical SystemsTheory and Applications. Presentation: Non-linear dynamics of a vibration harvestabsorber system. Experimental study.
  14. Gdansk, Poland. 7-11 September, 2015. The 3rd Polish Congres of Mechanics21st International Conference and Computer Methods in Mechanics. Presentation: Influence of active elements on the pendulum’s rotational motion for energy harvesting
  15. Barcelona, Spain, 28 June-2 July. Eccomas Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Multibody Dynamics 2015. Presentation: Nonlinear dynamics and bifurcation of a vibration absorber-harvester system.
  16. Barcelona, Spain, 28 June-2 July. Eccomas Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Multibody Dynamics 2015. Paper: A numerical study of an autoparametric system with electromagnetic energy harvester.
  17. Augustów, Poland, 31 may -3 June, 2015. VIII-th International Symposium on Mechanics of Materials and Structures and Fracture and Fragmentation in Science and Engineering Conference. Presentation: Application of shape memory alloy in harvesto-absorber system.
  18. Brno, Czech Republic, 3-5 December, 2014. The 16th International Conference on Mechatronics – Mechatronika 2014. Presentation: ''Energy harvesting of an autoparametric pendulum system''.
  19. Poland, Warsaw, 19-20 Maj, 2014, XXII French-Polish Seminar of Mechanics. Paper: Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of an Active Suspension of a Pendulum Absorber.
    et cons
    Wizyty naukowe i staże (8)
  1. Krzysztof Kęcik, (Lublin University of Technology, Department of  Applied Mechanics, Lublin, Poland). The visit in the Lodz University of Technology, 7-8 May 2017.
  2. Przemyslaw Perlikowski (Lodz University of Technology, Division of Dynamics), Poland. The visit in the Lublin University of Technology, 01-02 December 2016.
  3. Krzysztof Kęcik (Lublin University of Technology, Department of  Applied Mechanics, Lublin, Poland). The viisit in the Polytech Univ Marche, Dept Architecture Bldg & Struct, 11-16 July 2016.
  4. Stefano Lenci (Polytech Univ Marche, Dept Architecture Bldg & Struct, I-60131 Ancona, Italy). The visit in the Lublin University of Technology, 18-23 January 2016. 
  5. Krzysztof Kęcik (Lublin University of Technology, Department of  Applied Mechanics, Lublin, Poland).The visit in the Lodz University of Technology, 10-12 December 2015.
  6. Przemyslaw Perlikowski (Lodz University of Technology, Division of Dynamics), Poland. The visit in the Lublin University of Technology, 21-23 September 2015. Presentation: Controlling multistability by discontinuous dissipative coupling.
  7. Krzysztof Kęcik (Lublin University of Technology, Department of  Applied Mechanics, Lublin, Poland). The viisit in the Polytech Univ Marche, Dept Architecture Bldg & Struct, 13-18 July 2015.
  8. Stefano Lenci (Polytech Univ Marche, Dept Architecture Bldg & Struct, I-60131 Ancona, Italy). The visit in the Lublin University of Technology, 21-28 January 2015. Presentation: Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS): modeling, analysis and interpretation of experimental data via dynamical integrity.  at risus.

Prace dyplomowe realizowane w ramach projektu badawczego (7)
  1. Anna Piłat Praca inżynierska. Badanie wpływu sił magnetycznych na stopień indukowanego prądu, Data obrony: 02.02.2018.
  2. Paulina Wnuk. Praca inżynierska. Doświadczalne badania odzyskiwania energii elektrycznej z ruchu wahadła, Data obrony: 02.02.2018.
  3. Daniel Jośko. Praca magisterska. Badanie elektromechanicznego sprzężenia w układzie magnes-cewka. Data obrony 05.07.2017.
  4. Angelika Hoang-Dao. Praca Inżynierska. Ocena możliwości pozyskiwania energii z drgań lewitującego magnesu. 04.05. 2017.
  5. Kamil Kobiałka. Praca Inżynierska. Analiza możliwości symulacyjnych programu Dynamics. Data obrony 29.02.2016.
  6. Łukasz Dużyński. Praza inzynierska. Odzyskiwanie energi elektrycznej z drgań wahadła parametrycznego, Data obrony 01.02.2016.
  7. Katarzyna Korneć. Praca magisterska: ''Doświadczalne badania materiału z pamiecią kształtu na przykładzie stopu Nitinol''. Data obrony 03.02.2015.

Patenty (1)
  1. Wahadło do odzyskiwania energii elektrycznej. [Zgłoszenie nr P.420720]/Kecik Krzysztof, Mitura Andrzej, Lenci Stefano, Jerzy Warmiński.